UndocuProfessionals Services

Looking to collaborate with schools, businesses, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs, and individuals who would like to bring highly needed services for the undocumented, DACA, and mixed-status families to their students, staff, and allies. All services can be tailored to meet specific needs.

Hire UndocuProfessionals

Are you a business, organization, or school looking for diverse speaking engagements or to provide opportunities for underrepresented groups? If yes, hire professionals in the many fields for speaking engagement, panels, and use their services. The hiring process is three easy steps:

1. Submit your inquiry

2. an Email Confirmation will be sent

3. Finalize the match.


Im excited to collaborate with you to support undocumented, DACA, and mixed-status families, students, and professionals. We are looking forward to connecting with you at local and national events such as professional and personal development workshops, discussion panels, virtual conference, mentorship program, and other events! 

We want to work together to provide the resources that are highly needed services to students, staff/employees, allies and more.

Please see some of the personal and professional development topics we have hosted:


  • WHY ​Being Undocumented Can Transform You into a Great Entrepreneur: From limited to limitless
  • UndocuEntrepreneurship 101: How to start your business
  • Career Panels with Entrepreneurs, Health, Law, Education, STEM and Community Organizing
  • Your Professional Practice
  • Landing Your Dream Job 


  • Home Buying for Undocu/DACA/Mixed Status individuals. Demystifying the home buying process.  
  • Financial Literacy: Making Things Happen for Ourselves 
  • Mental Health & Self Care 
  • Advance Parole Step by Step Application Assistance
  • Initial DACA Step by Step Application Assistance


  • Saving for College
  • Education Panels for undocumented students pursuing higher education 
  • Coming soon Undocu students in Masters program & doctoral programs 
  • Reducing Financial Dilemmas for Undocumented/DACA/Mixed Status students
Submit Inquire

Discussion Panels and Presentations

Invite UndocuProfessionals to present and convos about the undocuProfessionals Network community, for resources and new updates in this community! 

Submit Inquire

UndocuProfessionals IG LIVE takeover opportunities

In an effort to provide more resources to the undocumented communities we are partnering with institutions to provide the information to the undocuProfessionals community. Many in the community want to learn about scholarship opportunities, services and have campus tour for the undocumented/DACA/mixed Status students that are pursuing or thinking about pursuing short/long term careers. If you are interested to provide info about your school/business/organization please schedule an IG live takeover. 

Goals of the IG Live:

  • Campus Tour
  • Provide Resources to the Undocumented community
  • Provide Updates pertaining to the Undocumented community
  • Networking Opportunities
Schedule an IG Live

Are you an UndocuProfessional?

Join your community. Whether you are a student in College/University, entrepreneur, artist, writer, professional in any field such as; law, health, non-profit, or other, or advocate we have a community for you. Connect with other UndocuProfessionals & join the network. Are you currently open to work? If so, please click here.

Sign up to get updates, or join our private Facebook page and Linked Group.

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