My parents brought me to the U.S at the age of three, I grew up in south central LA, finished high school and found out that I was not able to continue my education. I was forced to work in downtown LA, selling soft drinks in the streets and later managing to get a job selling televisions and other electronics. As time went by I found the opportunity to continue my education, went to community college, transferred to CSULB and graduated with a BA in film and television studies. Found myself being the only POC in most my film college experience. The lack of diversity and opportunity was overwhelming, in and outside of school. As I have continued my journey as an undocumented filmmaker, I have used my art to continue to fight for inclusion of all undocumented creators with my organization UNDOCUCINEMA, this platform / movement has helped bring a light to those creators whom are starting to pursue a career in the film and television industry. UndocuCinema is slowly growing in the long run we hope to create a film festival dedicated to our stories and provide scholarships for those undocumented creators pursing a career in the arts. As for me personally I will continue to create art that can inspire and motivate my community. Con o SIn Papeles, Si Se Puede! ( Note: Feel free to use this link for addition information : https://uproxx.com/life/undocucinema-films-about-immigration/ ) Also: Feel free to use any picture from my instagram.
What the Undocuprofessionals means to you?
An UndocuProfessional is someone who has gone beyond the idea of limits, an undocuprofessional feeds from the No’s that society gives them and turns them into opportunities to grow and fight even harder for their dreams and their community.
Message for Undocumented Students and Professionals
As an undocumented artist, filmmaker / creator we must be proud of where we come from and who we are, we must embrace our culture. We shouldn’t hide who we are, instead we should let the world know who we are and what we are capable of doing. We as Undocumented filmmakers have the responsibility to continue to create art that represents our narrative on screen and behind the camera. We cannot let a piece of paper define who we are and what we are capable of accomplishing, they might able to take away our permit, but they can’t take our imagination, our willl, our spirit and our ganas! Pasa lo que pase we must continue to create!