QT Translational Research Grant

The University of Vermont

Listing Experiation

November 15, 2024

Opportunity Start date

November 15, 2024


Social Account

No Application Link. Check Description, contact  or social media to find more info.



With the support of the University of Vermont’s Friedman-Hipps Green and Gold endowed professorship fund, the

Queer & Trans People in Education (QTPiE) research team welcomes proposals for the QT Translational Research

Grant. QTPiE is seeking proposals from scholars to fund translational research in education. This grant supports scholarship with findings centering queer and/or trans (QT) topics with practical applications to improve any sector of education.

Any scholarly approach is welcome, including theoretical and empirical proposals. The grant recipient(s) may choose to work either independently or collaboratively with QTPiE, and we welcome both solo- and co-authored proposals. Benefits include up to $1500 (per project) for research and presenting findings to a national audience.

Applications are due Friday, November 15, 2024 at 5pm ET.


The QTPiE QT Translational Research Grant awardee(s) will:

● Receive up to $1500 (per project) to support their research

● Facilitate a webinar to present their research to a national audience

● Be warmly invited to collaborate with the QTPiE research team, though this is not required

Eligibility Criteria

All topics pertinent to QT people across all sectors of education are invited, and potential categories may include

research with clear and practical application to QT education policy, practice, and student or educator outcomes. Any

scholarly approach is welcome, including theoretical and empirical proposals. The grant recipient(s) may choose to

work either independently or collaboratively with QTPiE, and we welcome both solo- and co-authored proposals.

Scholars across all levels are invited to apply, including graduate students, practitioners, researchers, instructors,

faculty, and policymakers. We welcome proposals from scholars within and outside of the U.S. Special priority to

queer and/or trans scholars who attend to intersectional justice in their application.

No Job Description. Find more information in profile details or social accounts

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